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Setting Up Tax Rules For Your Online Store

As time's gone on tax rules concerning ecommerce have become more complicated. Governments have woken up to see huge revenue opportunity in taxing online transactions and so now there are different tax rules just about every place someone orders a product from your online store. Although at WebStarts we can't tell you all the tax rules you should be following in your juristiction we have added the ability to create unique tax rules for nearly all geographic regions. 

You can find the ability to create tax rules under the Taxes tab in the Store Application. There you'll be able to create a new tax rule based on a geographic region, whethere that be a country, state, providence, or territory. Simply select the region you want to create the tax rule for and enter the tax rate you would like to charge in that region. You can add as many tax rules as you like. Once you've selected the country you want to create the tax rule for there's a box you'll check to collect that same rate for the entire country or you can uncheck the box to setup tax rates by regions within a country, for example states. 

With you tax rules created and enabled they will be applied to orders at checkout depending on the address your customer enters to make the purchase. The ability to create tax rules based on geographic region for your online store is just one of the many ways WebStarts is providing the power of a fortune 500 ecommerce store for a price everyone can afford. If you haven't created an online store sign up to create one for free at