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6 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website Today

Get More Traffic
You can have the greatest product or service in the world but if you're not getting visitors to your website it's like you don't even exist. However getting traffic to your website is hard. Here are 10 things you can do to get more traffic to your website today.

1. Email your contact list. 

Email is still the primary way people communicate on the internet. Whether you're on a smartphone or in front of a computer chances are you're reading email at some point every day. You don't have to have a huge email list of hot leads to start getting people to visit your website. To start out you may just be emailing your friends and family. Whatever the case sending an email to everyone in your contact list is sure to generate some hits.

2. Post a link to your website on Facebook.

Just like email Facebook is a super popular way to communicate. Posting a link to your website and asking your friends on Facebook is a good way to get some curious visitors.

3. Upload a video to Youtube.

Youtube is a terrific source of traffic. Creating an interesting or funny video and posting it on Youtube you can end up getting a lot of traffic back to your site. To do so you'll want to include a link to your website in the description of your video and maybe even a watermark with your web address. Be sure to include plenty of targeted keywords in your description and include 8 to 10 keyword tags. This will help people find your video when performing a search on Youtube.

4. Make an inforgraphic.

People love to read and share infographics. An infographic is a graphic that contains tons of good information about a subject. You can make an interesting infographic about your business or industry and share it across the web. Many times you'll find your infographic will go viral. Especially if you share it on social networks like Facebook. If you need some help creating your infographic you can try an infographic creation app like

5. Comment on a popular blog post. 

Find a popular blog post within your industry that ranks well on Google. Add a comment in the comments section that provides valuable information and genuinely engages in the conversation. Do everything you can to avoid looking like spam. If a blog poster feels you're spamming their blog they're likely to block or remove your comment. Be sure to include your website URL in the blog post.

6. Create a website with

The best way you can get more traffic to your website is getting on Google. 88% of all online searches are conducted with Google but it's hard to get good ranking. Websites built with WebStarts are more likely to get those good rankings because WebStarts was built from the ground up with search engine optimization in mind. With WebStarts you can create as many free websites as you want. When you upgrade them and add a domain you'll be able to submit each of those sites to Google. By adding links from each of those websites back to your website you'll be able to increase your ranking on Google.